
Five Time Management Techniques

Technique #1: Make and use lists. There is not a single time management discipline or system on earth that doesn’t revolve around making and using lists. You cannot carry it all in your head. For years, I’ve operated with four basic lists: My Schedule.This is for the entire year, day by day. Things-to-Do List. This is a […]


How business planning leads to better management

Here are three steps to help get you planning better, and putting those plans in motion. In my experience leading dozens of business planning workshops in countries all over the world, I’d say only about 10% to 15% of teams I’ve encountered have an effective business planning process. Sounds low, doesn’t it? What many business owners fail […]


Five ways brands can better manage millennials in the workplace

Millennials will account for 50% of the global workforce within the next four years so brands need to understand how to manage them more effectively. That means creating a collaborative environment where people are continually challenged so they don’t get bored and allowing them to take ownership of their development, says Helen Tupper, careers consultant and […]